SWNW Osteopathy

Pediatric Osteopathy

The process of birth is stressful not only for the mother but also for the baby. During delivery, the infant experiences the force of pressure and their soft, malleable skull undergoes molding and twisting throughout the force of contractions.

Compression during the process of birth causes soft bones to overlap, this overlapping is relieved spontaneously when the baby suckles or cries but with a difficult birth, such as that with forceps, cesarean section, or prolonged labor, the process may not go on as it should. Pediatric osteopathy involves treating problems associated with cranial compression and more.

Our team treats the infant by keeping the patient on follow-up shortly after delivery and ensuring everything is fine through a detailed checkup.

Osteopathy for Infants/Babies

Our osteopath, Dr. Karim, is qualified to treat patients of all age groups including infants and babies. The treatment involves a variety of techniques such as physical manipulation, stretching and mobilization, and other gentle techniques involving the cranium. Cranial techniques are much safer, gentler, and non-manipulative. These techniques release pressure and balance areas of physical tension and help soothe and relax the muscles that get tightened by pressure.

Osteopathy for Young children

As for infants, we use gentler techniques with children as well. Depending upon the cause of the issue, in addition to the in-clinic treatment, our osteopath will suggest exercises to practice at home and will keep the patient on follow-up.

Moreover, we may refer your child to GP and other specialists if we feel that is the best treatment plan for them.