SWNW Osteopathy

Ergonomic Assessments

Defined as an assessment of an employee at their workstation to assess their work posture and workstation set up, it is done to reduce a worker’s chances of physical hazards.

The Importance of Ergonomic Assessment

Good ergonomic assessment has now become an essential part of a workplace. It focuses on changing the environment according to the concern and needs of the worker rather than forcing the worker to adapt to a workplace that might not be suitable for them. A safe working environment is essential whether it is a home set-up or an office. An employee’s postural alignment and workplace setup are extremely important in preventing any sort of musculoskeletal injuries and improving productivity.

How are Ergonomic Assessments Carried Out?

The employee’s workstation is analyzed with regards to hip position related to knees and feet, chair support function, lower back posture, neck alignment, and angle, screen height, keyboard and mouse arrangement, wrist and mouse support, movement, and temperature. At the end of the assessment, a report is provided to the employer outlining all the findings and recommendations.

Effects of Poor Ergonomics

Short term

Long term

The Benefits of Good Ergonomics

Injuries resulting from bad ergonomics are easily preventable. Benefits of good ergonomics include