SWNW Osteopathy



Do you know that about 10 to 40% of the global population suffers from sciatica? And yet very few people know about this disease and the effective treatment options available for it! Sciatica manifests as pain, numbness, or weakness arising from the lower back and radiating toward one or both legs. Its name refers to the sciatic nerve which supplies the skin and the muscles of hips, thighs, legs, and feet. Therefore, any pain arising in these regions may be due to sciatica. However, it is important to first rule out any other causes of leg pain such as referred pain from the joints of the lower limb or the pain arising in the muscles of the legs before the diagnosis is confirmed. Similarly, the burning sensation or the numbness associated with diabetes should also be differentiated from true sciatica.



Sciatica most commonly arises due to a herniated disc. Other causes include degeneration of vertebrae, slipping of one vertebra over the other, muscle spasm, and pregnancy. Some risk factors that may increase the chances of getting sciatica are increasing age, diabetes, overweight, smoking, and occupations that involve sitting for long periods or carrying heavy weights.



When presenting with the suspicion of sciatica, our patients are thoroughly examined before the diagnosis is confirmed and the treatment commences. Our highly qualified staff and well-equipped clinic ensure that only the highest level of care is administered while ensuring the maximum level of safety for our patients. We aim to diagnose and treat the ailment within due time to prevent the progression of the disease and the complications associated with it. We offer multiple interventions including osteopathy, and physiotherapy, to effectively and safely treat the condition. Long term management plan for chronic pain and other chronic disorders is also offered at our clinic.